Image Credit

Huge thanks to Wikimedia Commons for working to share knowledge and creativity with Creative Commons licenses and public domain tools. Many of the photos used on this site were sourced from their impressive archive, and those who contributed deserve credit. You can peruse their works here.

Lower Manhattan from Jersey City November 2014 panorama 1, 2, 3, & 4 by King of Hearts and animated by Zachary Terlizzese / CC-BY-3.0
Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn May 2015 panorama by King of Hearts / CC-BY-3.0
Manhattan from Weehawken, NJ by Dmitry Avdeev / 5 July 2011 / CC-BY-3.0
Brooklyn Bridge by Zeichenblock / 28 June 2009 / CC-BY-3.0
NYC Skyline by Ralph Mendoza / 22 September 2014 / CC-BY-3.0

NYC Skyline was edited to create The Faustian Bargain cover art