The Comforts of fiction

We have guest blogger my daughter the writer Victoria Terlizzese.

Vatican exorcist, Gabriele Amorth, claims that “behind Harry Potter is the signature of the devil.” This is suggesting that Harry Potter has themes of Satanism due to its focus on witchcraft and wizardry. If you belong to any religion that opposes witchcraft;  you will have heard this at some point in your life. 

Upon reading the series and understanding the characters you will realize that this is not what J.K. Rowling intended when she wrote the Harry Potter series. One of the most basic themes in the Harry Potter series is good versus evil. This is portrayed in the sense that good is moral and evil is immoral. In the series, good is defined through character traits, actions and the overall practicing of high moral standards. Evil pertains to the exact opposite. This is a mirror reflection of the way our society functions and classifies the difference between what is right and what is wrong. 

The key difference in the world of Harry Potter and our own is that magic is highly regarded as a basic life skill that the entire world revolves around. That is the fun and fantasy of the series. It is what captivates us, because we know it is not real and we wish that it was. It is a form of escape for the creative mind. As a Christian, I would not chase after evil with the hope that I would turn out as courageous and trustworthy as Harry Potter and his friends. This is basic commonsense among Christians and other devout followers of any religion who understand the difference between spiritual integrity and the innocent joys of life. 

The importance they place on magic is similar to the importance we, ourselves, place on education in the fields of math, science, technology, basic writing skills and history. This is how their society functions. It has nothing to do with their religion or how they view the world. One can choose to use their education to achieve great things and change the world or one could choose to use their knowledge against others. 

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