Is Antichrist Jewish or Italian?

         The idea that the Jews would follow a Gentile, even hail him as Caesar, seems a bit far off. Yet this is exactly how the Left Behind series has presented him. The Antichrist must be Italian because he arises from old Rome. Some will say the Roman Empire must be rebuilt in order for this to happen. In Left Behind the Antichrist was a blonde headed Italian smooth talking politician from Romania. Why would the Jews follow someone like this? Because he offers peace for land and settles the Arab-Israeli conflict? Maybe he will offer to rebuild the temple? But he’s not Jewish. Jewish legend said Antichrist would come from the tribe of Dan.

        It appears remarkable to me that the Jews will suddenly lose their identity with Father Abraham. The Antichrist must be Jewish because he must embody all that is holy, pious and good; then he suddenly turns into a mad idolater.

        The identity of the beast with a Jewish politician is not Anti-Semitic. Jesus was Jewish, the Second Adam, how can we expect anything less from Antichrist? By saying, however, “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15 KJV), the Jews were essentially swearing allegiance to his divinity. They embraced the Antichrist as represented in Pontius Pilate or the Roman Emperor instead of the true Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Wait! Maybe the Antichrist is Italian after all?

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