Stop the Space Race

Space exploration threatens the world with a nuclear global holocaust. God protects the earth from space radiation and other unpleasant things by giving it an atmosphere we can breathe in. Breath is life. He holds back the forces of darkness trying to consume the earth. Let us imagine that the new heaven and new earth exists in an impenetrable eternal bubble deep in the recess of nothingness. The new creation is surrounded by the void of space. The environment God gives us serves as a shield from extinction, a return to nothingness. If we destroy the earth’s hedge of subsistence; we will allow the demon analogously into earth and he will destroy it with hell fire, after which we will circle endlessly in nothingness waiting for God to speak to bring forth new creation. He keeps it and sustains it, but He puts one proviso on the arrangement: Loyalty to God. We only get to live on earth, if we serve God and act responsibly. God has given government to Adam his sin changed the earth’s ecology; he introduced death or non-existence. I believe we remain faithful to God by doing what we were created for, fellowship with God and stewardship of his world. This makes the ecological struggle to save the planet ontological in nature. Lucifer wants nothing more than to banish God to the flames, as he was. There must be some hope in Satan that he may still win this thing. He will triumph over God by killing Him. How will he know he has won? When the earth is reduced to a cinder and Adam will be no more. All light in the universe will burn out.  We will be returned to the cold void of space. Life exists only on earth, no forth coming evidence can prove otherwise. If earth goes extinct there will only be nothingness. We will be confined to the Abyss forever. Sure God can wave His hand and start over, but it will never be like our present existence.  We are responsible for this planet, to fill it and bring it to the Heavenly Father as a thriving garden. In the wake of our failure will God intervene? Instead of asking that question, we should ask what must I do to be saved?

Imagine the atmosphere outside the earth is the place where darkness lives, the place of evil and nothingness. In addition to the atom bomb, NASA and other space agencies are disturbing that habitat. The gods and powers of the air threaten to rain down global holocaust. We woke something up in ourselves not seen since the Tower of Babel when Neil Armstrong took that first step on to the moon; “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” An insatiable pride of progress and conquest over the cosmos arose. We have ascended to the next technological and spiritual level; do we have the wisdom to enter it? I believe we are not yet ready for the challenges of space. We are not equipped spiritually to be trusted with the power it will bring. Earth touched heaven on that day. Time touched eternity, a shift had occurred in the ages, the void was pierced and opened and we do not know what we have unleashed, the Prince of Darkness. Space exploration should cease at once.  An immediate moratorium on space travel should be declared. It is all too clear by now that we will never get beyond the moon. If we had the technology to make it to Mars we would have already done so. Mars will forever remain uninhabitable; even if an advanced party makes it there it will not survive long, not unlike the New World Colonialists at Roanoke, who disappeared without a trace. Space travel will exact a high mortality rate; its a death trap. The potential threat Andromeda Strain, a lethal pathogen from outer space humanity has no immunity to, presents the further out we go the greater the risks. The more people will die in the process. Discovery of life on Mars would be the end of life on Earth. This is the way the Martians died on earth in H.G. Wells War of the Worlds (1895). They had no resistance to earthly bacteria that killed them. You would think that with all the technology they had the Martians would have known this. They took the risk anyway hoping that progress would win out to suicide; “The Gamble of the Century” Ellul called it. We will risk the survival of humanity in the search for knowledge and advancement. We will never get beyond the earth’s atmosphere and probably that is where we should stay. All resources now exploited for space exploration should be immediately converted into civilian use. I believe we should not explore beyond earth’s ecosphere. We should leave space exploration alone and by universal agreement vow not to transgress, much like the agreement over not to exploit Antarctica, amend the Outer Space Treaty to read as a total prohibition of space travel.  I make this radical statement because the New Space Race between East and West will ultimately end in universal holocaust. Once space exploration becomes militarized, we already have a Space Force, the end will not be far behind. Whoever controls the sky dominates on the ground in modern warfare as witnessed by the first Gulf War. Whoever succeeds to get nuclear weapons into space first will reach global dominance. More than likely this will be the New World Order, but China may get there first.

The immediate future in the biblical concept was also the ultimate future. What we do now here on earth in the present moment will have ultimate consequences. The extinction of the human race, even all life on earth will cause on opening into the Abyss, the victory of the evil can never be realized. Satan’s purpose has always been the extinction of the created order and especially Adam’s Race and the Death of God. Lucifer attacks through temptation to power, to be like gods. Will the Arms Race into space reign down fire onto earth? Inevitably this will be the result of spiritually antagonistic people exploring the unknown. We are not ready yet for that next step, maybe when Jesus comes again, after Satan has been bound, we will be mature enough to reach the heavens.

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