2024 Presidential Debate Battle of the Sexes

The 2024 presidential debate depicted the strong man verses the intelligent woman. The spilt in thinking is about leadership. Family life, education, and politics traditionally follow a masculine tendency. Most great figures of history were males with exceptions, such as Agrippina, Cleopatra, Saint Joan of Arch, Susan B. Anthony, Sacagawea or Golda Meir. Women offer an alternative to the status quo that is the accomplishment of Feminism or the appeal to the Son (the power source) via the Mother. Troubled people usually look to the father figure for guidance, but will turn to the Mother if left unanswered. This need not be a bad thing. Where the Father closes a door the Mother opens a window. The Father has the ability to resolve differences and assert authority and wield power, to get the job done and not simply to think or talk about it and pray, these of course are excellent values. Not to move in haste but to reflect has great advantages. This is the essence of wisdom. The goddess of wisdom is a female. Athena is the god of wisdom, war and technology. She sprung straight from Zeus’s head suggesting her divine power. The male female dichotomy will determine the election results. Do we want an Alpha Male or a Colorful Princess to rule over us? Do we want someone who acts immediately or someone who acts deliberately? Do people identify more with female or male characteristics? Is this still the Age of Pisces or do we look for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius where women are predominant? The vote is a vote of no-confidence in traditional society or a vote for the progressive side represented by Mother Earth or the Holy Mother, the Goddess figure, even the Cyborg? This shows a controversy between power struggles that go back between Zeus and Hera. I think Donald trump will win, granting there is no such thing as fraudulent returns. We are not ready yet for the new age or space age family or the age of Aquarius. The vote is a referendum on the Holy Father figure or the father’s role or the Fatherhood of God. This does not mean something negative. There are plenty of good fathers out there to turn the tide. But we shall see. Paternity is under attack like never before. Nothing is really certain in an age where a woman will control the hydrogen bomb. This has never happened before. Will she lead us to peace and victory or to self-destruction? There are plenty of examples of successful women leaderships: Judith, Esther, the Holy Mother herself the Queen of Heaven, the White or Virgin Queen, Queen Victoria or Mother Teresa and Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton. The queen is actually the strongest piece on the chessboard who protects the king and leads offensive wars; so female leadership can be effective, even welcomed. Trump wants to save America and Harris wants to change it.

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