Invention Is The Mother Of Necessity

Technology creates more physical need, and government obstruction to prevent disaster; now we must come up with the money to pay for innovation that requires regulation and taxation for public safety. Before their invention there was no need for electricity, automobiles, smart-phones, fossil-fuel and computers. People have no need for technology that does not yet exist. The desire for it must be invented and money generated to satisfy it and social regulation to control it. Wants turn into need. The cotton-gin increased the demand for slaves because now there is more cotton to harvest. Technology propels us to higher standards of living raising the poverty level and demand for unnecessary things, for more widgets and gadgets that occupy our time and pocket-books. The faster we move the faster we want to go. In the car you can never go fast enough. We commonly call this “road-rage” heaven help us if someone gets in our way. There was never any need to join the car with the computer thereby increasing the cost of an automobile. Technology increases the need for police interference in our lives. Because we can travel twice as fast we need twice the protection. World government will be introduced to control nuclear-power, genetic-engineering and cloning. We already see this with international regulatory agencies. The automobile brought us the highway-patrol and speeding- tickets. Everyday commercials convince us to buy things we never wanted until we see them. Sight incites desire. We are always stretching to increase our social-status, to get the next thing and trying to catch up to ourselves. We satisfy yesterday’s need only to create more need in the present and the future like the greyhound chasing the rabbit. The computer increases our work-load, because we can go twice as fast, now we can work twice as much. What happened to the four-hour workday promised by the introduction of the computer?

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